Thursday, September 18, 2008

18 Sep 2008

Hi All , was found a new Zombie Army company name as "Peril Unlimited" , try to ask bird store to order , hope got good news,
here are the Zombie i like : Bloody Betty

Peril Unlimited is a little company, and that's an understatement. It's a one man show, similar to the old Vaudeville musicians that played 20 instruments at one time with various parts of his body. They released the figure Ash, their first zombie, almost one year ago now. They're second zombie is now ready to ship, and she's a beaut - Bloody Betty! We don't get many female zombies, and this one is an unfortunate cheerleader. Or she was before joining the undead. Talk about ugly Betty!

You can pick this lovely lass up for around $35 - $40 (USD), depending on the retailer. You can get her from Peril directly, or you can hit one of the sponsors I have listed in the Where To Buy section. Betty is a limited run, but I don't have the word back yet on what the final production size was. Peril themselves are selling 250 of the regular and 250 of the bloody, and since the bloody versions are all hand distressed, you can bet there aren't tons more.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Wow finally slidshow 1st Female scary Dead " "Subject 1025: The Babysitter The Dead 12 Inch Figure" has cum , my is the Exclusive , The Red shirt cute girl.

But i saw some on the net , some other Exclusive is in Green Shirt, strange , so which one is "Exclusive" , hopt nex time slidshow can cum out some Dead like kids or even baby, that can have Big bloody family!

Monday, August 18, 2008


WA !!! ,we have to small qty of BABY , let have unsafe sXX , shake it BABY !!!

Baby bonus ? 4 mth paid leave for woman, than what happen after 4 mth ?

Bonus for parent , got so much or not ?


Wow , at last we have win our 1st silver medals in women's team table tennis matches at the Beijing 2008 OIympic Games August 17, 2008

, turn the medals back and see , "Made in China"


Afternoon , at CNQ , buy some female parts, one is Major K from "Triad Style ", approx $50 , body not include,

And here is my config of Majoy K

I also use some of the part brought from CNQ , and use BBI Gothic Alagua 12" Female Action Figure boby , config my "MAY' version 1

what do you think?

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Wow , today at citylnk , found one my most like female singal "Zhang Yi" , this is a HDCD (2CD)
only cost $28.50 ,

, 郑怡自校园民歌开始,即在乐坛渐渐崭露头角,当年她以一首"月琴"在流行音乐史上刷下非常亮丽的一笔。

她以"好奇的大学生"身份踏入歌坛的郑怡,最初因一曲《月琴》崛起于校园民歌 时代的台湾歌坛;而这张唱片的标题曲《小雨来得正是时候》才正是使得她那婉转、平实、民谣味十足的纯朴嗓音真正传遍大街小巷的成名之作。 《小雨来得正是时候》这张唱片诞生于台湾校园民歌与流行歌曲的交替时期。其 时的音乐作品内容已经超出校园生活、个体直觉及使命意识,罗大佑和苏芮的新 音乐形态摇滚乐大受欢迎,民歌风潮已渐渐消退,台湾乐坛的发展进入了一个新的阶段。

ai~ she remind like my ex-girl friend , May , even her voice also like "Zheng Yi' , so sweet, i really miss her so much , last time don't know one eye stick by stamp , don't know what happen i drop her , so sad , few year later even worse , both eye stick by stamp, get this "River East Lion" , my wife NOW!!!

HaHaHa , some thing new here



3.「當初那個獨裁專制不容異己的大混蛋,把我趕出家園不說,還教壞無知的 人類憎恨我。明明自己在幹壞事,還要叫我當代罪羔羊?」

4.「是、是、是......如果我手下有那麼多惡魔,我早就統一宇宙了,還需要 跟你爭一小個地球嗎?」

5.「地球上有一堆笨蛋自稱是我的信徒。卻不知道我根本用不著這些成事不足、 目光短淺、只知道破壞的白痴。」


7.「毀滅世界對我有好處嗎?少蠢了,正大光明準備製造世界末日的傢伙就是 那個叫做耶和華的人。」



10.「當你需要神的時候,他在哪裡? 一樣的道理,當你需要我的時候,我可沒空理你這個微不足道的白痴。」

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

14-July-2008 "WOW"

"WOW" Finally our most impossible friend also got marry , wee wee please harry up lar , here is that even photo.

wa ! very Serious man and woman.

Stand Up for Singapore !

HA Ha Ha hey man , i will lock you forvery !

wow ,Here is the certificate of Doom , Joking lar , is Certificate Of Love , ai ~ one more BOY gone.

Happy Family .

and the brother.

So lovely !

Are they family ?

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today goto to CNSQ to collect the "OTAKU 1.0 CAUCASIAN BODY" from Trida Toy , this is the most expensive body , it cost USD $30 , SGD $50 !.

But personaly , i feel a bit disapointed on the face.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This afternoon , just got the ZC "Cyber Killer" Kelly $120 , very nice Doll.

wow , yesterday finally , i pay back all my debt to the "MAD DOG" , or else people mouth face is no good looking.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This afternoon goto flacon collecte two pre-order iteams.

New Generation True Type Asian Figure from Hot Toys

New Generation True Type Caucasian Figure from Hot Toys

each cost $39.90 , but member pre-order for two only $65

btw , now the MAD DOG got driver license , "hao lian lor" , what the FXXX.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Sunday , at afternoon , goto cnsq , at uncle ng store , saw something good price.

this one is $39.90

this one $59.90
after cnsq , i goto st city , saw 1003 DJ , at the book fair , having some parent talk, abit sian topic fore me.

Friday, June 6, 2008


At Time store get a GSS iteam "GI JOE, General Dwight D. Eisenhower" , ans it only $39.95.

This is a great GI JOE, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, from out of the Historical Collection.
This is the 1st of the series, dated 1997 Kenner a division of Hasbro.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Ai~ , this afternoon , walk walk haf way, my sony ear phone ( $18.90)one side have no sound, no choice, goto TAKA , BEST Denki , brought a SENNHEISER era phone, model MX560 , cost me $45.90 , but this German product so much better than japan product, the sound was super clear, you can feel the dimension of sound, not just normal left and right only, good deal !!!

, today also goto , CHN-SQ , got some thing .

toal about $69.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today finaly goto CH-SQ got my order from david .

Sexy right !!!
Total $120