Sunday, February 28, 2010


At China Sq , saw a VeryHot "Navy Seal" , and it only at $80 , so buy it and home , try to it up with the BBI 3.5 body(that what always need to have some spar body at home), here is the originally from the veryhot web site.

Box Front.

Box Back.

Dress up 1.

Dress up 2.

Dress up at the back.

Here is how my vision of dress up , some how is look very BIG and fat after dress up and i also at on a backpack.





Old Man like me last time always on WW2 figure , this it very Challenging for me 1st time dress up a model solder, 1st i was total lost , and it take me some time go on web look see look see some info about it , and it take me more than 2 hours to dress is up.

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